Friday, September 10, 2010

My Autumn Grace

Note: I wrote this article in the days before the first anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on our nation. My youngest daughter, Autumn Grace Foster, was born on September 10, 2002, just 43 minutes shy of 9/11/02.

It was not planned, but it seems to be happening. Tomorrow, Tuesday, if everything goes well, my wife and I will be welcoming a third child into our family. It wasn't until this week that I thought of the coinciding anniversary.

Wednesday marks the one year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. It will be, in many quarters, a day of somber reflection, with thoughts given to those 3,000 innocent lives brought to an end on that harrowing day. How awkward it will be rejoicing over the birth of a child.

But should it be awkward? From death comes life. Is this not the message of the Gospel? Paul said the message would be met with ridicule and disbelief, for it is foolish to believe that life comes from death, that the cross represents an object of power and not shame; but such is the case with the Gospel.

When all is bleak, when the world seems to be crumbling down all around, there can be hope of a new day dawning. peter says that men and women of faith have a "living hope," a hope realized in Jesus Christ and the new birth found in him (1 Peter 1.3-5). So, is it awkward to be rejoicing over a new life on the anniversary of a day of death?

Christians look forward. Doesn't this attribute set us apart from the world? We have a tomorrow that is certain, that is real, that cannot be shaken or taken away.

My heart goes out to those whose lives were tragically affected on that Fall day one year ago. My prayer is that they find peace. My prayer is that they find peace. My prayer is that they come to know God's abiding presence and his autumn grace.

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